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Pennsylvania among the foremost Comprare Cialis Online Forum states in public health work. Doctor Dixon was born in Philadel- ])hia, March 21, 1851. He was educated for the jiraclice of law. but later decided to studv medicine, graduating with honors from the University of Pennsylvania in t866. He studied abroad, was a professor of sanitary engincerincf at the University of Pennsylvania Comprare Cialis Online Forum and later professor in and then president of the .\cademv of Natural Sciences. iMarch 9. igiS.] NEll'S ITEMS. 467 News Items. Yale Medical School Now Has Adequate Endow- -laent. Comprare Cialis Online Forum — According to the annotincenient of President Arthur Hadley, of Yale University, the Yale Medical School now has at its disposal the sum of $2,568,81^, do- nated througli the generosity of its friends. This en- dowment insures the perpetuation of the school and makes possible its athliation with the New Haven Hospital. Navy Base Hospital Reaches War Zone. — It is re- ported that a Navy base hos|jital which is made up of physicians, nurses, and enlisted personnel from the Naval Reserve Force of Lcland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal., has just reached the war zone. It Comprare Cialis Online Forum is prepared to take care of the Navy force and if accommodations are ?uf- '.icient, the Allied and our own Army sick and wounded as well. Gifts and Bequests to Hospitals. — By the will of General Horace W. Carpentier, who died on January Comprare Cialis Online Forum 31st, the Presbyterian Hospital will receive $200,000; the Sloane Maternity Hospital, $80,000; Saratoga Homestead Sana- torium for Tuberculosis, $40,000; Medical Department of Columbia University, $50,000 for Dr. Reuben C. Carpen- tier's use in the school ; Columbia Comprare Cialis Online Forum University, $200,000 for the Edward R. Carpentier Memorial Fund. The will con- tains bequests to a number of charitable institutions, and the residuary estate is given to Comprare Cialis Online Forum the trustees of Columbia University and Barnard College, share and share alike. Comprare Cialis Online Forum By the will of the late Mrs. Charles H. Coburn, of Mil- ford, Mass., Harvard Medical School will receive $100,000 for research in tuberculosis. Volunteer Medical Service Corps to Be Organized by the Council of National Defense.— A Volunteer Medical Service Corps to include thi.ise physicians and sur- geons not eligible to membership in the Medical Reserve Corps has recently been authorized by the Council of Na- tional Defense. It is proposed that the services to be ren- dered by this new corps will be in response to a request from the Surgeon General of the Army, the Surgeon General of the Navy, the Comprare Cialis Online Forum Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, or from any other authorized departments. A committee of the General Medical Board of the Council of National Defense is to constitute the governing board, and the state committee of the medical section of the Council of Na- tional Defense is to be the governing board in each state. Personal. — Dr. A. I. Ringer, formerly assistant pro- fessor of physiological chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed special consultant in dis- eases of metabolism at the German Hospital, New York, city. Dr. Louis Borsch, formerly of Philadelphia, and now a resident of Paris, was recently decorated by President Poincaire with the Legion of Honor, in recognition of his services as eye surgeon at the hospital of Grand Papais, in the Champs Elysees. Dr. William J. Robinson, of New York, was recently arrested, charged with violating the espionage act, .and held in $5,000 bail for a future hearing. Dr. Martha Tracy has been elected dean of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Doctor Tracy has oc- cupied the chair of physiological chemistry and hygiene at the college for a number of years and has been acting dean since June, 1017. Dr. Edward K. Dunham, Comprare Cialis Online Forum Major, Medical Reserve Corps. United States .Army, delivered the five Herter lectures at University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, January /th to nth, his subject being Principles Underlying the Treatment of Infected Wounds. Dr. Mosen Behrend, of Philadelphia, has been elected a member of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, to fdl the unexpired term of Dr. Frank C. Hammond, who resigned recently. Comprare Cialis Online Forum Dr. Rose Hirschler has been appointed chief of a de- partment for the treatment of venereal diseases in women and children, which is to be opened in the College Hos- pital of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. In the equipment and maintenance of this new depart- rnent, the Womaii's Hospital, the West Philadelphia Ho';- pifal, and the College Hospital will cooperate. Meetings of Medical Societies to Be Held in Phila- delphia during the Coming Week. — Monday, March Jith, County Society, Board of Directors, Physicians' Motor Club Reception, Samaritan Hospital Medical So- ciety ; Tuesday. March 12th, Pediatric Society ; Wednes- day, March 13th, County Medical Society; Thursday, March 14th, Pathological Society; Friday, March 15th, Logan Medical Association. Executive Committee of the General Medical Board of the Council of National Defense.— The following are the officers of the Executive Committee of the General Medical Board of the Council of National Defense : Chair- man, Dr. Franklin Martin ; vice-chairman, Dr. F. F. Simp- son ; secretary. Dr. William F. Snow ; and Surgeon Gen- eral Gorgas, U. S. A.; Surgeon General Braisted, U. S. N. ; Surgeon General Rupert Blue, Public Health Service ; Dr. Cary T. Grayson, Dr. Charles H. Mayo, Dr. Victor C, V'aughan, and Dr. William H. Welch. Army Transports as Hospital Ships. — Twenty-two U. ,S. transports have been taken over by the Navy De- partment, and are to be equipped as "medical transports